Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Next Meeting of Judicial Justice in Fort Collins

Our next meeting will be Monday, May 24, at the HARMONY Library meeting room. We plan to show the 48 Hours video at this meeting and in June too. I believe it has some excellent footage of Masters attorneys Fischer, Wymore, and Liu.

Our June meeting will be back at the main library. we have to alternate locations because meetings of given group at each location can be held only once every 5 weeks. We have a choice of 2 June dates --- June 21 or 28. If you have a preference, please post it on the Yahoo list (SEE BELOW) and we will decide on the basis of those responses.

We expect to have a website up and running in about a week and you will be notified once it is up.

We have a Yahoo discussion group set up which you are urged to join as soon as possible to facilitate communication.

1 comment:

Mary-Ellen, Mimi, Jason said...

How do I connect with the Yahoo discussion group?